Bring your MG along to MGB60
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The MG Owners’ Club N. Ireland, supported by The MG Car Club Ulster Centre, is going all out to celebrate 60 years of the MGB.
This landmark anniversary event will be held at The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum on Sunday 14th August 2022 from 12.30 pm until 4.30 pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity for members of both clubs to join in a day of activities centred on and around a unique display of MGB models covering the 18 years of production.
Planned Activities:
- Autojumble
- Jazz band
- Special or competition MGBs
- Technical talk around the MGB variants
- Catering facilities
- Ballot for afternoon tea
- Souvenir brochure – free to entrants
- Demonstrations of dent removal
- Period costume
- DVD of the event
All MGs of any type or year, not just MGBs, are welcome and owners from either club are encouraged to attend what we hope will be a very memorable event.
For your free entry please fill in the form accompanying this email and send it to Desie Boyd at the address on the form by the date specified.
We need to know the number of entrants in advance so we can plan the display areas.
If you have any specific questions please call Mike Dowey on 07842 460 700 or Sam Carruthers on 07754 704 345