Ad Hoc Run May 2019
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The Ad Hoc Run which took place on 9th May 2019 was organised by John and Gwen Best. After meeting at Sprucefield the group made their way to James Black Restorations Ballinderry.
Unfortunately with the poor weather there was only one MG in the bunch, not a great showing for the arrival at the venue. In fact, I think Jim Black was expecting a number of MGg’s, a perfectly normal aspiration.
We do need to improve on this showing, perhaps a revisit? Jim Black (James Black Restorations) who met us made us feel instantly here was a guy who had a significant amount of knowledge of Rolls Royce.
He gave a 30 minute talk about the history of Rolls Royce and specifically mentioned a couple cars currently in his workshops undergoing overhaul/rebuild.
One car along with its’ owner from Australia and the other a special car of only four still in existence from the racing days of Rolls Royce. We had a tour of the various workshops most of which had everyone fasinated including Trevor Haydock and Chris Ewing both of whom have some fine workshops of their own.
I really cannot do justice to the visit in this short write up, suffice to say it was really very enjoyable and if you get the opportunity next time don’t miss it!
I will include some photos supplied by Mervy Mackey (next month) Merv was out on the event, good to see him progress from his recent illness. Thanks again To Gwen and John for the arrangements.
A donation was made to Jim’s charity which is Breast Cancer.